Portable antenna VHF-UHF, 38,6cm, SMA, extra-flex

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Portable antenna VHF-UHF, 38,6cm, SMA, extra-flex


This product has a new reference, until now it has corresponded to PWR-SRH-40-S

Antenna for walkie VHF-UHF+RX en 800MHz, 10W,  420MM., malleable whip able to adapt to any shape, SMA

  • Type: Antena Walkie Malleable
  • Frequency: VHF-UHF (144-430 MHz)
  • Gain: 3 dBi (430 MHz)
  • Max Power Rating: 10W
  • Impedance: 50 Ω
  • Height: 420 mm
  • Connector: SMA
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