Availability: 1 - 10
Delivery time: 1 - 3 working days
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Designed to be placed in the outer pockets of a purse or backpack, this personal alarm can also be hand carried by joggers. The alarm is activated by simply pulling the pin, which deters attackers or intruders but also functions to draw attention to you if you need medical attention or help. Use of a personal alarm switches the element of surprise from the attacker tot he potential victim. It also includes a miniature LED light, activated by a seperate on/off button, for a quick and small illumination of a walking path, car door lock, or other low light situations. (2) x1.5V AAA batteries, included.

• Decibels: 130 dB
• Blasts: N/A
• Color Options: 80459 (Black), 80460 (Red)


1 Pc of Wristlet
2 Pcs of Battery 1.5V AAA
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